
Why can't we just fast forward until I move back to Bloomington?

Ughhh so depressed. I've never felt so revolted by food and social interaction and myself. I guess middle school might have been like this, but that was a long ass time ago. All I can bring myself to do is sleep and watch National Geographic specials on Netflix.

So the first boyfriend I ever had came and went. I guess it's possible that it's not the end of it, but I've learned to accept that the healthiest thing to do is to treat it as if it is the end. That way I get over this depression now instead of delaying it until I am disappointed. Did I mention I've taken like 4 naps today?

At least I got free sympathy. Chrissy got Travis to smoke with us. Josh was really excited. Chrissy told Travis I broke up with my boyfriend and Josh said "Fuck yeah, I'll smoke to that. Let's take some molly, too." Which made me "lol", even if I did feel slightly uncomfortable. Mostly just because he looked all cracked out and he wouldnt stop staring at me. Yay...

Adam is here and he is the last person I want to deal with. So I am going to hide in my room. It's safe in here, and at least I picked up all the dog shit. Time to wallow in my lair.

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