
Well that's just depressing.

As in like life. I think I can hear someone shuffling around outside. It's either a ghost or a murderer, but either way I'm not too concerned. Death is like sleeping forever. Sounds pretty nice if you ask me.

I've been lacking inspiration so I haven't been writing very much. I hate it when I lack things.

I'm only 19. Does anyone else realize this? I have my whole mother fucking life ahead of me. Compromising is lame. Trying too hard for anything that time will probably destroy anyway seems like an awful waste to me.

I got new shampoo today. It smells like raspberries. And lotion (!). I went grocery shopping. It took forever, and I was really excited about all the awesome things I found. It's a fucking art. I really do love cooking, too. It's way more satisfying than eating out.

I'd like to name the previous paragraph "Things I Wish I Could Talk About and People Would Listen." In all fairness, it's probably my fault. I guess that shit is pretty boring.

Where are all of my friends at?

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