
The landlord is a creep.

I don't like him one bit. He smiles just a tad too friendly, and his stare lingers just a bit too long. Also, I heard him having long conversations with the dogs when he thought no one was here. Unbalanced man.

My dad threw money at me again. God, I love that. Free money is awesome. The concept of parents is weird, but I'm willing to make an exception to my "avoid-awkward-at-all-cost-rule" for the sake of certain benefits.

Tonight I'm going to Showcase with Lindsey and Adam. Already sounds entertaining, huh? High school was so lame. It's going to be so lame, and I have to pay $5 to go back. Yeah, that's right, five whole fucking dollars for this shitty shit. Who do they think they are kidding?

I've been hanging out with Mark a whole lot here lately. It's not awful, but he still doesn't understand my sense of humor. His confusion amuses me, so I let him stay around. Which is saying something, because he's making me watch E! right now.

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