
Netflix, ily.

I can't blame Kile for never going to class, now. He had a Netflix subscription, and I completely understand. So far I've watched Hey Arnold!, The Graduate, The Shining, and Dear Zachary. I'm about to watch Marathon Man. I signed up for this shit like 24 hours ago.

I have a thing for the young Dustin Hoffman. He's sort of gorg', you know? It's too bad he's so fucking short. And old. He's really really old now. His awkward, goofy presence on-screen is charming as a young man, but now it just translates to senility. That's something I just can't get that into.

This whole Osama thing is indescribably annoying and troubling. I'm pretty sure today I realized I can't be a socialist. No form of government should be too strong. It's just terrifying. I'm going to reexamine my political beliefs, and I will get back to you on that later. If the resulting hopelessness doesn't lead me to suicide, that is.

I need to watch this movie, and then eat and study for my Sociology final tomorrow. We're so close the end, kids. We can do this.

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