
My BFF is such a little capitalist. Tear.

Talking to Lindsey and Tom about politics and social issues can really hurt my head sometimes. Some of the more recent ones include diamonds, vegetarianism/veganism, homeschooling, living in exclusion, aborting down syndrome babies, Libertarianism vs. Socialism, etc. We even had an argument last night about which would be worse to have: AIDS or cancer. And just now we had an argument about sweatshops and buying things secondhand. Sometimes I get the impression that me and Lindsey hate each other. Rather, she hates everything I think is important. I can seriously feel my blood pressure going up every time we argue. Nghh. I need a nap.

I really can't talk to her about anything. Probably one of the worst superiority complexes I've ever encountered in my life. It's been a month as of today, and I'm feelin' blue. I don't feel like dealing with anything, at all. I need someone to talk to, but everyone I know has their own shit to deal with, i.e. boyfriends to hang out with. It seems like the majority of my friendships are usually one-sided when it comes to dealing with problems, me being the nurturer or confidant or whatever and never really getting that sort of stuff back. Cindy has been probably the only one I've been able to depend on for shit like that, but she's busy all the time now. It's actually gotten to the point where I talk to her on Facebook, and most of the comments she makes are completely irrelevant because she isn't paying attention (ah, extroverts). Did I say blue? I meant depressed. It's been awful lately haha. Fuck, I'm going back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Pull through until wed. Then you and that grubby lil bf of yours will spend endless hours on the back porch, sunning in the day and freezing at night. Good for snugglin'.
