
Bubblegum whipits and MGMT.

Earlier it was regular whipits and Ratatat, but we went back for round two, and I convinced Tom to get the bubblegum. Good fucking choice, Abbie. Shit is delicious. And as for the Ratatat to MGMT switch, we wanted something with words.

I'm starving. Lindsey and Tom are eating Papa John's pizza, and I'm sitting here eating dry roasted edamame. It just goes to show you you can get used to any diet if you adhere to it long enough. Plus there's 8 grams of fiber per serving of this hamster food, and I after I learned that I couldn't possibly stop eating with good conscious.

Last weekend with these crazy kids. I think were going to watch movies and dabble. I invited that guy over. He should say no, so that I don't have to be forcibly social. It can be exhausting, you know. Plus, I'm pretty sure he has Asperger's, and who needs inconvenient Chris flashbacks? Not this girl. Although if he offers to show me his poetry, I will accept immediately. It's a thing.

I've decided I'm going to start making my own peanut butter. Maple peanut butter, because I fucking love maple syrup. But for now I need to go find some sustenance that has more flavor than these little dried out beans. Bleh.

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