
Fuck it.

Lindsey and Tom are rude. They went out to dinner without me, because they said they had already decided they wanted to go there, so if I didn't too bad. They abandoned me all night yesterday, too. Practically no one is here because it's Easter weekend, so I've been alone pretty much the whole time. I'm hormonal so it made me cry, but now I'm sort of over it. Lindsey and Tom being horrible friends (and crazy, too) is pretty much the only thing I can depend on to never change.

So I think I'm going to watch Casablanca and eat cookies, pretzels, and hummus. I'm not used to being alone so it kind of weirds me out, but I guess I need to get more accustomed to real life again. I used to spend a lot of time alone before I came here, but all of my friends are (usually) horribly clingy. I mean, seriously. One time John, Kile, and I went to Fort Wayne for the weekend. When we came back to Bloomington, I went to my room so I could unpack and shit, and they just followed me in there and stood around and watched me unpack for like 5 minutes before it got so weird they finally left. Like come on now, guys, I just spent a whole weekend with you. There's no need to continue following me.

And the worst part is that if I ask them to leave, they seem to get personally offended. No one knows what it's like to constantly have people in your room that you have to entertain and clean up after and shit. If they want alone time, they can just go to their rooms, but I never get that. But if I ask John to leave, he'll get this really shitty attitude like I'm being a bitch or something. Drives me nuts. Kile isn't so bad, but I feel like it makes him feel like he's intruding. The fact that he feels bad makes me feel bad. This whole entire paragraph makes my eye twitch.

Right now I'm pretty sure John is with his boyfriend. Kile is at home for Easter, and Tom and Lindsey are out to dinner. That eliminates anyone on our floor who might try to bother me. See, I was upset when I began to write this, but now I feel like I got the better end of the deal. This shit does work.

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