
The kittens helped, but I'm still pissed.

I must be the angriest person in the world right now. I'm self-aware enough to know that my hormones are making me irritable, but that doesn't make it go away. I looked at some pictures of kittens on petfinder.com in anticipation of next school year, and it made me feel a bit better. Which just goes to show that I'm on crazy female mode right now. Hey, body, you do know that kittens aren't human babies and you can't birth them, right? Goddammit, logic, where are you? I disgust myself.

I'm sick of cleaning up after my friends. I know I sound like my mother right now, but it wasn't my choice to bring these people into the world, or really even into my room, you know? I have no claim over them, and therefore I do not want to clean up after them. As I was typing that paragraph, I'm pretty sure Tom just threw away his curried pork container in our trash. In our like 10x10 room. Lindsey and I must have told him a billion times not to throw away fresh food containers in our trash, because it makes the room reek, but he doesn't fucking listen. He is way too accustomed to his mom picking up after him, and it annoys me. I just washed his disgusting queso dip bowl that he left on my desk for four days, threw away his frozen food boxes he left under my bed, and spent ten minutes scraping the cookie off my desk that he and Lindsey superglued to it. Last week I put all the open food containers he left in our fridge in Ziploc bags after I CLEANED OUT THE FRIDGE I NEVER FUCKING USE BECAUSE IT SMELLED SO GODDAMN BAD. It smells like rats in here. My things need to be organized, and Lindsey's clutter overflows onto my little corner of the room. Holy shit; I can't breathe. It's a good thing I don't have a gun. NINE DAYS.

I was supposed to go to lunch with Kile today. We talked about it several times, and then right before we were supposed to meet he just never texted me back. I wasn't surprised. He's like $70 in debt with me and a few other friends, so I've grown accustomed to the sketchiness. Then about half an hour ago, he comes into our room and just stands there awkwardly for like ten minutes not really saying anything, putting the pressure on me to once again be the fucking entertainer. Goddamn you. I do not have the patience nor desire to fucking uphold the illusion of normalcy. Shit is going down, everyone knows it, so why am I expected to guide the conversation into safe, neutral territory? Fuck that. The funny thing is he wanted to know if I wanted to go get food with him. How about you pay me back that $10 first, buddy? Jesus, I am unforgiving today.

As much as it doesn't pertain to me, the person who is pissing me off the most today is Nathan. I haven't even seen him in a week, but he was the topic of conversation a lot today, and it made me want to punch someone. First of all, dude is a plain old bastard. Like really. Stupid jackass, even. Choose whichever demeaning classification you'd like; they all apply. He told me he had a crush on me when he first met me, which he just "had to get off his chest because he's getting married in a month." Fuck you. He was proud of the 50 cent ring he got his fiancée, because even though it wasn't much, it made him feel "original." It's especially funny because his grandparents gave him like $300 to buy her a ring, which he spent on drugs. Die, please. He won't take care of Bill Clinton, his cat. And today he bought a baby chick for a pet. There's so much wrong with this, I won't even begin. But as we all know, animal abuse is serious business. He must die. Okay, that's really a joke, but no one would miss him. Such a dumbass.

Every time someone makes fun of Chinese, says something asinine, makes an unfounded claim, or does something rude or inconsiderate, I get the real urge to strangle them. Menstruation is a dangerous thing. See, this is why women can't hold positions of power. It all makes sense now...

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