
I can't stop talking, so I'll write it all here.

I don't know why, but I have just been super chatty lately. Even when people stop listening, I am still not deterred. I talked to myself for like two hours while I was doing my homework last night. John was there, but he was talking to his boyfriend and then sleeping. It's weird, but I develop an insatiable appetite for high-energy, humorous conversation with myself when I'm doing my Chinese homework. Surely I am going insane.

Jesse mentioned making houses out of cobb or something, so I googled it. At first I thought he was just being a liar because nothing came up, but when I added the word "house" to the query I got somewhere. My boyfriend is a dirty hipster. But anyway, before all that, Cobb salad popped up. This reminds me of Cindy and Chrissy, because they always used to get it at Hall's Diner. Then I looked more into the links that popped up because I've never really investigated the matter, and I realized that Cobb salad is fucking nast'. Egg, bacon, AND chicken?! Excessive. And the recipe calls for iceberg lettuce. what. I just don't... Ew. This is why food that was invented in America is offensive to the palette. Oh, except for waffle cones. Good idea, bro.

Remember when you took 18 hours out of your life to stop eating and sleeping so you could read straight through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows right after you waited at Barnes & Noble for four hours to get the book as soon as you could? And then remember how you were so tired and so fucking full of despair because these characters that you liked better than your best friends were going to develop no more that you just sat in your room and sobbed for approximately 17 of those 18 hours? Wait, no, who does that? That would be crazy... Ahem. Anyways, and then do you remember how you READ THE FUCKING EPILOGUE AND REALIZED THAT JK ROWLING JUST SHIT ON YOUR FACE. Figuratively, I mean. Anyway, I just watched the trailer for part II of the last movie, and I couldn't help but remember how she ripped my heart out with that epilogue and fed it to the man. We could dissect every little awful bit of that horrid chapter, but I'll just cover one thing. Do you really think Harry would want to make a career fighting dark wizards when he spent his whole fucking childhood doing that? What about Dumbledore's Army and all that shit? It would've been like fucking perfect if he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, considering the curse would be broken and shit. Just saying. She could write that whole series with all those crazy plot intricacies, but she couldn't manage to write an epilogue that wasn't fucking ridiculous. Oh yeah, I lied. Two more things: a) Harry was Jesus and b) the kid's names sucked. BAM.

I deleted my Twitter. If I'm faking my own death and moving off the grid one day with all my cats, I need to become less connected. But really, I was starting to think in 140 characters, and it was starting to freak me out. I want an attention span. I do, I do, I do.

Caitlin texted me today. I opened those floodgates. Dammit. She said something about how she misses show choir and how close we all were. What? I don't even... Sigh. Needless to say, I've been over that whole scene since, um, graduation like a year ago? Yeah. And also, we weren't really friends after like junior year, anyway. People are strange. I can't believe I even took the initiative to talk to her again just so I can hook her up with one of Jesse's friends. I'm going to have to hang out with her again, you know? It's crazy.

The further my relationship progresses, the more identifiable my personality type gets. It's kind of scary. My personality type is so susceptible to manipulation and using. Everybody make sure I only ever date really, really nice people, k? Because seriously, I don't say "no" like ever (like having to talk to Caitlin again to hooke her up with Shawn, *shudder*), and it's probably near impossible for me to break up with someone. Also, listening to Elliott Smith too much has made it easier to romanticize shitty relationships and life situations. And I've got daddy problems. Although I'm beginning to realize that I'm too self aware to not be able to identify when bad shit is going down. Being smart is pretty coo'.

Next year I'm going to take a fuckload of credit hours, but I'm getting a kitten and I'm not going to be living in a dorm, so I'm fairly confident I cant handle it. I'm ready for semi-real adulthood. I understand it's still college, but at least I'm not living on campus anymore. It's seriously ridiculous. Whose idea was this shit? Lindsey & Tom are living in Collins next year. For some reason they seem to think that a change of scenery will fix their anti-sociability. I am so, so glad I don't have to be privy to all that shit. How do you expect people to like you when you have had a superiority complex from the beginning? If you can't get along with people, don't live in such close proximity to them. Poor life decisions.

I complain about my friends in almost every single post. I think everyone should understand that I'm not this bitter bitch that hates everyone close to her. First of all, I would much rather complain through a medium that no one will probably see (who's going to read this far. seriously) than complain to people I would rather talk about happy things with. I do love my friends. We live in such close proximity to each other and I literally hang out with the same three other people every single night. Especially when it's in my room and they all make huge messes, my inner organizational freak wants to shoot itself. It's easy to get sick of them. It also doesn't help that they've all hated each other all year, so I spend the majority of my time listening to all my friends talk about each other. I get my own room next year. Sweet relief.

I found this post to sufficiently expel a lot of my talky-tension. I could go for hours. I'm only 60% introvert, you know. I just wish Lindsey and Tom would wake the fuck up so I could turn on the light and start my homework. They've become literally nocturnal. It's inconvenient. Peace.

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